Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Beautiful Creatures - Chapter 33

2.12Silver LiningI looked at my cell. It was broken.The time still read 11:59.But I knew it was well after midnight, because the fireworks finale had started, even though it was raining. The Battle of Honey Hill was over foranother year.I lay in the middle of the muddy field, letting the rain wash over me. As I watched the small-time fireworks attempt...

Beautiful Creatures - Chapter 32

2.11The ClaimingCasters cannot be with Mortals without killing them.It all made sense now. The elemental connection between us. The electricity, the shortness of breath whenever we kissed, the heart attack thathad almost killed me—we couldn’t be together physically.I knew it was true. I remembered what Macon had said, that night in the swamp with Amma,...

Beautiful Creatures - Chapter 31

2.11Family ReunionOnce my dad was safely in the hands of the reenactment medics, I couldn’t get back to the party fast enough. I pushed past the girls from Jackson,who had ditched jackets, and were looking skanky in their tank tops and baby tees, gyrating to the music of the Holy Rollers. Minus Link who, to hiscredit, was right on my heels. It was...

Monday, February 11, 2013

Beautiful Creatures - Chapter 30

2.11Lollipop GirlLena and I were still swaying to the music when Link elbowed his way through the crowd. “Hey, man, I’ve been lookin’ for you everywhere.” Linkbent over and put his hands on his knees for a second, trying to catch his breath.“Where’s the fire?”Link looked worried, which was unusual for a guy who spent most of his time trying to figure...

Beautiful Creatures - Chapter 29

2.11Sweet SixteenLeave me alone! I told all of you! There’s nothing you can do!Lena’s voice woke me from a few hours of fitful sleep. I pulled on my jeans and a gray T-shirt without even stopping to think about it. Aboutanything other than this: Day One. We could stop waiting for the end to come.The end was here.not with a bang but a whimper not with...