Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Beautiful Redemption - Epilogue

That night, I lay in my ancient mahogany bed in my room, like generations of Wates before me.Books beneath me. Broken cell phone next to me. Old iPod hanging around my neck. Even my roadmap was back on the wall again. Lena had taped it up herself. It didn’t matter how comfortableeverything was. I couldn’t sleep—that’s how much thinking I had to do.At...

Beautiful Redemption - Chapter 38

You kids go on in,” Link said, turning up the latest Holy Rollers demo. “I’m gonna wait here. I getenough a books at school.”Lena and I climbed out of the Beater and stood in front of the Gatlin County Library. Therepairs were further along than I remembered. All the major construction was finished on theoutside, and the fine ladies of the DAR had...

Beautiful Redemption - Chapter 39

order is not orderlyno more than things are thingshallelujahno sense to be made of water towersor christmas townswhen you can’t tell up from downhallelujahgraves are always gravefrom inside or outand love breaks what can’t be brokenhallelujahone I loved I loved, one I loved I lostnow she is strong though she is gonefound and paid her wayshe flew awayhallelujahlight...

Beautiful Redemption - Chapter 35

The toes of my Chucks hung over the white metal edge, a town sleeping hundreds of feet belowme. The tiny houses and tiny cars looked like toys, and it was easy to imagine them dusted withglitter under the tree with the rest of my mother’s Christmas town.But they weren’t toys.I knew this view.You don’t forget the last thing you see before you die. Trust...

Beautiful Redemption - Chapter 36

As I sat on the cold metal in the darkness, part of me wondered if I imagined the whole thing. Iknew I didn’t. I could still see those stitches in the sky, no matter how dark it was.Still, I didn’t move.If I left, it would be real.If I left, she would be gone.I don’t know how long I sat there trying to make sense of everything, but the sun came up,...

Beautiful Redemption - Chapter 37

Amma Treadeau has been declared legally dead, following her disappearance from Wate’s Landing,the home of Mitchell and Ethan Wate, on Cotton Bend, in Central Gatlin’—” I stopped reading outloud.I was sitting at her kitchen table, where her One-Eyed Menace waited sadly in the mason jar onher counter, and it didn’t seem possible that I was reading Amma’s...

Beautiful Redemption - Chapter 33

I took a deep breath and tried to let the power of the Temporis Porta flow into me. I needed to feelsomething other than shock. But they felt like two regular wooden doors, even if they were about athousand years old and framed with Niadic script, an even older lost language.I pressed my fingers against the wood. It felt like Sarafine’s blood was on...